It is stated a medical actuality that all diseases thrive in environments characterized by high levels of acidity. If we want to escort a healthy life, it is imperative for us limit our intake of acidic foods. I ignoring this comes at a high price
Foods wealthy in acid may cause diseases like obesity, osteoporosis, flu, skin disorders, and even cancer. High acidity also results in cramps, spasms, headaches, joint and muscle pains, and fatigue. Eating too much acidic food and not enough alkaline food can again result to insomnia, stomach ulcers, water retention, and constipation.
Also, besides weakening the immune system, indulging in acidic foods can bring disperse a decrease in strength and stamina, slow mental reaction, and stupid digestion.
Acid foods per se can post a threat to our health, but the ubiquity of these foods even furthers the damage. You see, these foods are partly always splattered in peoples daily menus: from breakfast staples like unsullied rice, eggs, cheese, milk, coffee to main courses like pasta, beef, pork, offensive, forfeit, to unobscured meals nonchalant of chocolates and peanuts, mild and soft drinksand the list stretches longer than canteen tables! Foods that are wealthy in phosphorus, sulphur, and chlorine are not spared from the list since these elements are acid - forming.
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So how do we oversee clear of acidic foods? Occasion it may seem impossible to escape these usual hunger - solvers, there is still a way to countervail their harmful effects on our health. The therefrom - called alkaline diet, which is designed to ice the outcomes of acidic food ingestion through consumption of alkaline - based foods comparable as fruits, vegetables, and other low - sugar foods, is a operable option. An alkaline diet can help restore the balance between acidity and alkalinity. According to Robert Young, who is a prime lawyer of alkaline diet and alternative medicine, it is ideal for the body to have a diet that constitutes an intake of 70 - 80 % alkaline foods and 20 - 30 % acid foods.
So what it all boils down to is moderation. Acidic foods are not all bad for our health. In fact, they are an integral part of the balance Young is pointing out. It is even said that a little amount of acidthe right typecan help lower our blood glucose levels. Acetic acid, which is the chief acid in vinegar, can significantly reduce the glycemic index of a starchy meal.
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