Quinoa Easy Weight Loss Diet

There are myriad number of abortive and hyped up diet plans out in the market. But quinoa diet is different. Ofttimes when you are on diet, you are made to eat garish diet that makes you abandon the diet plan sooner. Not this one. Unlike other diet plans this one is tasty consequently that you enjoy your diet plan. Little known to outsiders, this quinoa diet was used by the south American people to their benefit. Now this diet is no more secret and has come out in the unfastened to benefit the whole world. Many choose quinoa diet cleverly over it contains high amount of protein. People in sports field lift to use quinoa to supplement their high protein needs. Now weight loss is all about eating the right diet in addition to workouts. This new miracle diet will burn away your beast fat in your body the healthy way. For if you are serious about weight loss you must try this easy ' lose weight vegetarian diet ' plan. Quinoa is a plant adapted to the family of amaranthaceae family of plants particular to Andes mountains of south America. It is closely related to spinach family of plants. It ' s seeds are rolling in protein. It has high nutrition value ergo most suitable for easy weight loss diet plans. Even quinoa leaves are pooped as blade vegetable in mini quantities. These leaves have a mild plant toxins and wherefore consumption in vast quantities is not advisable. Quinoa seeds are coated with bitter tasting chemical compound called soponin that should be removed by thoroughly washing in water preferably twice.

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After washing, taste a seed to see if the bitter taste still remains. If and so wash it till the bitter taste vanishes. Quinoa seeds can be cooked like rice and eaten. Quinoa seeds when cooked are easily digested and gluten free. There are more than 100 varieties of quinoa plant but only three main varieties are important enough to mention here. They are gray quinoa, raven quinoa and bloodshot quinoa depending on the color the seed. Quinoa contains all essential amino acids like lysine crucial for the growth of tissues and it ' s repair. Quinoa besides has minerals copper and magnesium in high quantities necessary for enzyme super oxide dismutase that has anti oxidant properties to nullify free radical onslaught. Since quinoa contains lot of fiber, it prevents obesity by filling up the stomach, satisfying the brain appetite centers so that less food is consumed to avoid fat. Indirectly it also helps prevent the formation of kidney stones and gall stones by necessitating lot of water consumption due to fiber content. The mineral magnesium in quinoa seeds relaxes blood vessels which is helpful in fighting migraine and hyper tension. Quinoa seeds also contain vitamin B2 which has anti migraine properties. Quinoa can be cooked easily and there are many varieties of dishes you can make out of it such as cold salads, breakfast cereals, pasta and even desserts. Quinoa seeds can also be sprouted and eaten raw in which case the nutritional value increases. After cooking quinoa seeds become fluffy and have a nutty flavor. There are many tasty quinoa recipes available.
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