Stress Relief Food - What Are the Best Foods For Relieving Stress?

"Best Healthy Foods For Women"

It is becoming more apparent that we are what we eat: we eat well, we are healthy and stress free; we eat poorly, we have poor condition and get stressed easily. So what stress relief foods are available to relieve stress?

"Healthy Diet Foods":

In order to carry on your stress relief food plays a very prominent role. If you feed yourself high energy and nutritious foods potentially stressful situations won't bother you because you have the energy and durableness to cope.

Best Healthy Foods For Women

"Best Healthy Foods For Women"

On the other hand if you eat poorly or irregularly your energy levels will be depleted and potentially stressful situations will come to be stressful. While in the monastery I worked as the kitchen employer and cook for several years. I spent a lot of time learning about different food groups and which ones were good for health. I share below a few of the things that I learned.

Stress Relief Food - What Are the Best Foods For Relieving Stress?

Stress Relief Foods
Below is a list of the top ten stress relief foods that we can eat on a day to day basis:

1. Bananas
Bananas no ifs ands or buts are a magical food supply. They not only give you a boost of energy when you most need it but they are also so quick and easy to eat. You don't need to cook anything; just peel and enjoy!

If you find yourself lagging in energy and need a boost especially in the afternoon then bananas are the food stuff to do it.

2. Nuts
A favourite of mine. When I worked for an American multinational I used to keep a tub of nuts and raisins on my desk. When I felt stressed or was falling asleep I would munch on the nuts to get me straight through it. By having something healthy on my desk it meant that I didn't indulge in the unhealthy foods.

3. Quinoa (Pronounced Keen Wah)
This is a super-food from South America. Looks like couscous and can be used as a substitute for rice. Is high in amino acids which humans need to build protein. Cooks in about 20 minutes and is full of nutrition. It will keep you going when more unhealthy foodstuffs will have failed you.

4. Brown Rice and Pasta
Brown rice and pasta are well known as marvelous condition foods. The macrobiotic diet, which is a customary condition diet, is generally made up of eating brown rice. These are complicated carbohydrates which mean that they will give you a sustained amount of energy throughout the day. Great for maintaining high energy levels in stressful situations.

5. Fruit
Fruit in normal is great for snacking in the office or at home. It is a stress free way of getting some healthy food inside you quickly. If you have lots on at work, fruit is great for holding you healthy and full of vitamins and minerals.

If you feel peckish grab some fruit rather than chocolate or crisps. The latter might taste good but will leave you feeling tired after the chemical and sugar rush. It doesn't mean you shouldn't have unhealthy foodstuffs but just be aware of they make you feel.

6. Ginger Tea
Although not a food itself, ginger tea is a marvelous remedy for settling a stressed stomach or controlling a cold. It is a Chinese rehabilitation remedy and I learned it from a Western physician trained in Chinese medicine.

How to make ginger tea:
Boil an inch of ginger root in 2/3 cups worth of boiling water for 5-10 minutes. Add brown sugar to taste.

7. Porridge
Again high in protein this is a marvelous way to start the day. Not only will it warm you up on an early morn but it will also give you a settled stomach with a sustained energy release. Great for kick starting the body in the morning and putting it in top form for relieving stress.

8. Hot water
Now this might seem like a strange stress relieving tool but it works. I have been drinking hot water since my time in the monastery and have since found out that the Dalai Lama drinks this regularly.

You prepare hot water by boiling water and then topping up your cup with some cold water. It is exquisite for settling a stressed or queasy stomach, and for relaxing and cleansing the body.

A easy magical remedy which works despite its simplicity.

9. Vegetables
An prominent stress relief food group, vegetables are full of vitamins and minerals - vital for holding a healthy and stress free body.

Vegetables stir-fried with garlic, ginger, sesame oil and soy sauce is not only tasty but a no ifs ands or buts healthy way of eating vegetables.

10. Salad
Salad can be a great way of giving the stomach a rest from rich food. Stomachs can no ifs ands or buts feel our stress so salads made up of lettuce, tomatoes, cucumbers and grated carrots can help rule a bloated stomach and give you much needed nutrients.

But remember to use this advice with kindness. Don't overdo it. May you be well and stress free.

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