An easy wholesome diet plan is even easier when you cook your wholesome meals in bulk. This is much easier than it sounds. Cooking in bulk can either mean cooking one extra meal at a time or a month's worth of extra meals at a time. Of course, cooking for a month's worth of extra meals takes a bit more planning and preparation. So, if you're just beginning out, you may want to just try one or two extra meals at a time.
What wholesome foods are on sale commonly determines what I settle to cook in bulk. For example, I buy lean ground beef in bulk since it's less expensive. I brown the full package at once and make some meals at one time. Since you already have the ingredients on hand and easily available, it only makes sense to prepare extra meals at the same time.
Healthy Diet Meals
"Healthy Diet Meals"Here is a small sampling of some easy wholesome diet plan recipes that are easy to cook in bulk.
Healthy Lean Ground Beef Recipes - You can unmistakably brown 5 pounds of lean ground beef and make up some wholesome meals. For example, spaghetti, chilli, tacos, and casseroles are only a few ideas that come to mind.
Healthy Chicken Recipes - One of my favorite bulk cooking techniques is to place a full chicken into the crockpot in the morning and make some recipes when I get home from work. My favorites consist of chicken enchiladas, chicken and brown rice, and chicken taco soup.
Healthy Turkey Recipes - You can do the same thing with turkey, but you may need to substitute cooking it in the oven rather than a crockpot because of its size. There is so much turkey meat that I commonly make up some recipes and then divide up the rest into smaller packages for the freezer. I use turkey in the same type of recipes as I would use chicken. To me, they are basically interchangeable.
An easy wholesome diet plan is not as daunting when you cook your wholesome recipes in bulk. Actually, it becomes a fun project. Not only are you cooking a lot of great recipes in advance, they are all wholesome which makes it even easier to stay on track with eating wholesome foods.
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