Pregnancy is a natural condition and even though brings principal changes in women's life, it can be actually overcome by having a balanced lifestyle and preserve from the family. It is important to mention that a pregnant woman should be aware of her condition and should adopt a proper diet in order to mantain a good condition for herself and for the baby. In increasing to this, women should acquaint themselves regarding the foods that should present risks and should be avoided while the pregnancy and select only the ones that aren't thought about perilous for the baby.
First of all, pregnant women should avoid undercooked meats because of their risk to be infested with harmful bacteria such as e.coli or salmonella. By eating undercooked meats, pregnant women may face serious dysfunctions like diarrhea or nausea and even more they can lead to other complications which may put the life of the baby in danger by causing miscarriage or preterm birth. Moreover this kind of perilous foods includes: deli meats, undercooked chicken, pork or read meat, sushi and raw seafood.
Healthy Foods Pregnant Women
"Healthy Foods Pregnant Women"Secondly, another aliment which is not allowed in the diets for pregnant women are raw eggs. Due to their risk of carrying salmonella, raw eggs can cause food poisoning that may lead to severe diarrhea or sickness and even preterm labor. In order to avoid raw eggs, pregnant women should quit eating separate foods such as eggnog, cookie batter, ceasar salad dressing and also homemade ice cream. Furthermore, other categories of perilous foods while pregnancy are the unpasteurized food and beverages. Even though, milk is thought about an salutary drinking because it provides calcium to the body, unpasteurized milk may consist a perilous bacteria called listeria which is responsible for many illnesses every year. Foods which may consist of listeria are: first of all raw milk, unpasteurized juice and also separate kinds of cheeses.
Thirdly, even though many habitancy reconsider that fish is an salutary food, the truth is that not all the fish is good for pregnancy. Moreover, fish is important for an salutary pregnancy by providing omega-3 fatty acids, on the other hand there are determined fish which have very high levels of methyl mercury. In increasing to this methyl mercury is very perilous for the unborn baby by causing serious neurological damages and also developmental problems. In the kind of fish which consist of high levels of methyl mercury are : the shark, the swordfish, the tilefish and king mackerel. another kind of perilous fish is farm raised fish which consist of polycarbonated biphenyls (Pcbs), environmental toxins that may influence the condition of the fetus.
Pregnant women should be quite right when they select their foods and drinks and they should all the time look on the labels in order to detect the substances that are thought about perilous for their pregnancy. A toxic substance which is found most of the times in soft drink and candies is aspartame, a chemical goods that may lead to severe disease such as cancer. It is important to mention that alcohol while pregnancy may cause severe damages to the baby by preventing him from getting oxygen and nutrients and moreover heavy drinking may yield to the baby serious mental and corporal dysfunctions.
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