In the past few years, the public has been buying fish oil supplements in ever addition amounts. This is good. However, many citizen do not know which omega-3 foods are the best sources. This is bad.
Omega 3 vital fatty acids are called vital because our bodies can not make them. This means we have to get them straight through our diets so the selection process becomes even more important. It used to be that the best omega-3 foods were wild cold water fatty fish, eggs, grass fed beef and unavoidable plants. Today, each one of these sources has issues.
Good Diet Foods
"Good Diet Foods"Lets start with plants. Flax seed oil is a popular food source but it is the wrong omega-3! It is loaded with something called Ala which has to be converted by the body to Dha and Epa - the two most foremost fatty acids. This process is inefficient at best at any time, but increasingly difficult with age. Supplement manufacturers like to use this one because it is economy to make.
The American Heart relationship recently acknowledged that if you limit dietary cholesterol from other sources, it may be possible to include a daily egg in your diet. In other words, if you eat nothing else with cholesterol, you can have one egg - or you could only eat the whites [no yolk]. Another question is that you will getting mostly Ala, as in flax seed.
Most of the beef you buy is grain fed, not grass fed - not much help in the omega-3 foods search. A similar issue exists for farm raised fish. Algae is the base of the wild fishes food chain. Down on the farm they are fed pellets - no algae, no omega-3.
Last but not least, the Fda recommends that we don't eat too much fish because of the heavy metals in them. In California, they post warning signs in the supermarkets.
That leaves us with fish oil supplements. There are several things you need to be rigorous of.
First, get one that is molecularly distilled. It is a process that removes the pollutants and allows the oils to be concentrated. What this means is that you can safely take two grams per day and get more health benefits than most of the omega-3 foods you could come up with.
Next, read the label. There should be mostly Dha and Epa in the capsule. You do not need Ala, synthetic additives or a big price tag. My omega-3 foods costs me per month.
For more detailed information on what my house and I use, please visit my website.
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