What Should You Eat On The Hcg Diet Plan?

The hCG Diet Plan consists of a 500 calorie per day diet, along with regular doses of the hCG hormone. With a regular, everyday diet, the body typically pulls about 2000 calories to store as body fat. Since you only consume 500 calories on the hCG Diet Plan, there are certain foods you need to avoid. By the duplicate token, there are other foods that you need to eat. The foods that you eat on your diet are the ones that help restore your body fat to its usual state.
The following is a daily diet as recommended by Dr. Simeons, the founder and innovator of the hCG Diet Plan.
For breakfast, Dr. Simeons recommends that you drink swart coffee ( organic bigger ), and several different types of organic tea ( for symbol, Green Tea, Wu Long, and Chamomile ). You can have as much coffee and tea that you want ( as long as you don’t add information else into them ). It’s further better to use pure or refined water for your drinks. If you fondle hungry throughout the day, you can have all the coffee and tea you want.

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The caffine in coffee and tea has a tendency to suppress your appetite. You should again drink a lot of water to flush out your system.
Lunch and Dinner
For lunch and dinner, you should eat organically fed proteins congenerous as beef, veal, fish, and skinless lily-livered breast. Be sure that the fish you eat is low in mercury. In addition, you can and eat vegetables equaling as spinach, tomatoes, cucumbers, cabbage, and celery. Keep in mind that you should eat only one kind of vegetable with each meal. Do not add any oil or fats to cook the vegetables. Instead, you should boil, grill, or steam them. You can also have a small apple, grapefruit, or cup of strawberries for dessert, as long as they are organic.
If feel hungry during the day, you can have all the coffee and tea that you want. The caffine in coffee and tea has a tendency to suppress your appetite. You should also have as much water as you want throughout the day.
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