Healthy Food Facts That Might Surprise You

One day in April 2004, I was oozing with energy and feeling great. The next day, I woke up with a dull pain in my lower belly. My whole belly felt swollen. I felt weak, senile, just plain bad.
I tried to work, but realized I needed to see a doctor. After poking on my stomach, request a bunch of questions, and reviewing my CT ( computerized tomography ) sweep cupcake spoken, “You have diverticulitis. It’s caused by illness of minuscule, bulging pouches in your lower digestive tract called diverticulosis. ”
You may have diverticulosis and may get diverticulitis too! Like all the chronic degenerative diseases, you repeatedly don’t know you have them until they’ve put away your body and some go ( like mine ) happens.
For illustration, as you age, your chances of having diverticulosis increase dramatically:
over age 40 you have a 10 percent chance,
between ages 60 and 80 you have a 50 percent chance,
over age 80 nearly everyone has diverticulosis.
Diverticulosis is just one or many degenerative diseases ( heart disease, cancer, stroke, diabetes, Alzheimer’s dementia, Parkinson’s disease, arthritis, macular degeneration, and the list goes on ) caused by what we eat too much or too scant of. These diet related diseases are our biggest killer, right here, right now… far more dangerous than clash, natural disasters, or homicide.
Despite the fact that we have dramatically increased the numbers of our agedness, we are " living too short and casualty too long, " according to Gleam E. Strand, MD, a noted specialized in nutritional medicine. In the event of diverticulosis, plainly eating fiber - stinking rich foods prevent it.
Now let’s look at food facts that make a huge difference in the quality of “living” your life.
Healthy Food Facts
Most people consume less than one feeler ( only 8 to 10 Grams ) of the fiber their body needs.
Most experts stand together you need at cardinal 35 Grams of fiber a day, some say 50. Fiber keeps proclaim soft and lowers pressure inside the colon. Eating fiber and help you lose weight thanks to it fills you up faster, thereupon you eat less.
Fiber comes in two forms soluble and insoluble according to the American Heart Association.
Soluble fiber helps lower blood cholesterol. Foods high in soluble fiber include oat bran, oatmeal, beans, peas, rice bran, barley, citrus fruits, strawberries, and apple pulp.
Insoluble fiber doesn ' t seem to help lower blood cholesterol. However, it ' s critical for regular bowel function. Foods high in insoluble fiber include whole - grain breads and cereals, wheat bran, cabbage, beets, carrots, Brussels sprouts, turnips, cauliflower, and apple skin.
You can again get some of your fiber through products conforming as methylcellulose ( Citrucel ) or psyllium ( Metamucil ) or a fiber blend ( Fibergy ).
Drink lots of water too. You need water to replace the fluids that fiber absorbs. In addition, water keeps stools soft and bowel movements flowing smoothly. Shoot for six to eight glasses a day. Another way to know if you’re getting enough water is to note the color of your urine. If it’s colorless or glowing unprincipled, you’re homely getting enough.
Common Foods outperform some drugs.
James A. Duke, PhD, retired chief of the US Department of Agriculture’s Medicinal Plant Resource Laboratory and director of the Cancer Screening Program gives these examples:
… Turmeric may be more effective than Celebrex ( celecoxib ) for arthritis pain.

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… Capsaicin endow in hot chile peppers proves more effective for muscle and joint pain relief than the now - banned drug Vioxx.
… Ginger beats the drug Dramamine for progress malady.
… One - half a pomegranate, fat in phytoestrogens, is equivalent to a daily dose of hormone replacement therapy ( HRT ) for menopausal symptoms. Dr. Duke doesn’t presently nourish it as a substitute though.
… Pterostilbene, a flavonoid settle in blueberries lowers cholesterol as effectively as Lipanor ( ciprofibrate ) in clinical studies.
Onions and Garlic are terrific hygienic and immune boosters.
“The best home remedy for colds is to eat two cloves of raw garlic at the attack of symptoms, ” says Andrew Weil, MD. Crush or chop the garlic to release its allicin ( a potent broad - spectrum antibiotic ). You can use it in hummus, or on a sandwich.
Use these powerful immune boosters in you meals recurrently to help keep your immune system strong.
Research now supports your mom’s wisdom… treacherous soup helps heal colds and the flu.
Chicken soup may really help healing according to the National Institute of Health ( NIH ), the nation’s medical research agency. The combination of vegetables, yellow, and broth does the trick.
The extortion from unethical soup opens up congested noses and throats occasion providing fluid, which is important for fighting disorder. Some researchers suggest that substances in chicken soup reduce the inflammation associated with the common cold.
Honey heals wounds and sooths colds and the flu.
Honey out performs conventional medical treatments in wound healing studies cited by the World Health Organization and others. Honey appears to draw fluid to the area providing a moist, antimicrobial, and nutrient - rich healing environment.
Researchers cited in the 2008 Health Research Board ( HRB ) of Ireland recommend using sterile medical grade manuka honey. Others recommend raw honey. For burns, cool off the area first under running cold water. For deep or serious burns and wounds, see your health provider.
Honey helps heal colds and flues by soothing and coating the throat while having antioxidant and antimicrobial properties. Researchers at Pennsylvania State University College of Medicine found that when parents of 105 children compared using over the counter honey - favored cough suppressant, no treatment, and a spoonful of natural buckwheat honey ( a dark honey rich in antioxidants ) they rated natural honey as the best.
Don’t give honey to children less than 1 year old as it may cause infantile botulism. It’s probably not a good idea to take it at night either as it could cause dental cavities.
Putting It All Together
These are but a few of many healing and health producing food facts. You might want to start with just adding more fiber to your diet or use one of these food remedies before resorting to over the counter medicines.
If you’re on a medication for one of the ailments listed above stay on it while you introduce healthy foods. Let you doctor know your plan so you can both watch for improvements. You may find that along with some exercise on most days, your need for medications will decline. And… You’ll feel better too!
Most of all remember… healthy food facts only work if you use them… so take action today!
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